Tuesday, May 29, 2007

Casa Derrick and Jodie

This weekend saw us host 5 boys from Casa Aleluya. It was a weekend that the parents could come and take their children home, but many did not take the opportunity to do so. So, we dropped by Friday afternoon to see who might be able to come hang out with us for the weekend. So, we got the level 5’s that were left: Geovany 4, Hugo, Nery, Geovani 1, Sebastian (L to R). Yes, Light Bulb, we had you precious Geovani!!

We did have a chance to do everything with these boys that we were able to do with the first few that came over before. This crew was content playing xbox all day. However, they did go to our Saturday Bible study with us, and were able to play some street soccer in Joya Grande. They also we to church with us on Sunday morning.

The damper to the whole weekend was that we received a phone call Sunday afternoon telling us that Geovany 4’s mom was at the door crying b/c her son wasn’t there. We had forgotten that Sunday afternoon was a time for parents to just visit their kids. So, we rushed over to Casa so that Geovany could see his mother. When we arrived, Nery’s dad was there as well, so we were glad that someone took the time to call us. We are thankful for the blessed weekend that we were able to spend with them.
One reality that we have come to grasp while working with and hosting these boys is the fact that we have parents that love and care for us. Parents that still don’t want to let go! We thank the Lord that we are able to get a hug or kiss from our parents as soon as we hit American soil. As you lift us up in prayer, please lift our parents up as well . . . for salvation (Derrick’s) and protection. Also lift these boys up to the Lord; pray that they would know the love of the Lord in their lives.

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