Thursday, September 27, 2007

From One Country to Another

Well, it has been over a month since we have arrived in New Orleans, and we are still not in the swing of things. Two days after we arrived, Jodie was offered a job on campus. This is a blessing b/c it allows us to stay on campus as long as we need to after Derrick graduates. It also kept us from stressing out over not being able to find income. The Lord provides, and we give Him the glory!

Derrick will have an interview at a Sherwin Williams store early next week. Please pray that the interview will go well.

Classes for Derrick have been challenging to say the least. It has been over 2 years since he has been in a classroom setting, muchless in a dogmatic routine. He is doing well in his classes, but struggling to keep up with the pace (along with every other student here).

It has been good to see some familar faces, be able to speak English, and understand everything that people say to us.

One thought: Football is a privledge to have, and Derrick is soaking it up. One grateful friend that we met in Guatemala gave up his precious BAMA vs Georgia tickets this past weekend. It was nice to sit, well stand, and watch that exciting game . . . even if Bama lost.

Speaking of football, the seminary is starting a flag football league, so all the wannabe football super heros will be playing . . . of course that includes Derrick!! It will be fun and entertaining.

Jodie has enjoyed (more than anything) to be able to spend time with her family. We have been back to the Bayou almost every weekend for the sole purpose of spending time with them, and Derrick's family as well.

This blog has been a series of rambled thoughts . . . sorry for that . . . just trying get everything in!

Have a blessed day!

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